23 Jul 2012

The Whistler ★★★★★

Review of 'The Whistler' which can be found here at 4mations.

Length: 01:00
Animated by Layla Atkinson
Genre: Animation
Date: 2009
Rating: ★★★★★

Logline: A quick witted bird executes a cunning escape plan with the help of a kind cat.

This is a clever cartoon which might leave you with a divided opinion. Sure that little bird deserved to escape, but did that cute cat deserve to die in order for that to happen? If you answered yes, you're probably an animator too as it is my understanding that they are all sick bastards.

The drawing is simple with a cut-out shapes look, perhaps even a vintage 70's style as well. The use of patterned surfaces helps to create depth within the scene tho who'd ever choose that as a wallpaper, I dunno? Makes the birdcage stand out I guess. Character movement is minimal and simple but works well enough. Momentum also comes from camera zooms and quick edits which increase pace and aids the developing plot nicely.

Sound design is expertly done by Aaron Lampert who creates a subdued mood of uncertainty, increasing dramatic tension and then does a 180 degree turn and it ends up on a much lighter note (a cue for audiences to accept the cat's death as being a necessary evil) Equally, the sound effects used are clear and effective. Running at a mere minute in length, the shot choice, composition and edit are tight with no room for excess or directorial indulgence.

Overall, a short and twisted effort which stands out due to the good pacing, complex character dimensions and MacGyver type plot.

Best Bit: The ruthlessness of that blinking little bird.

Worst Bit: That poor innocent cat getting murdered.

Final thought: That balloon spark could just as easily have landed on the straw lining the bottom of the cage. Then who'd be laughing!

Read a condensed review of this film on Twitter here.

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