1 Aug 2012

Attack ★★★☆☆

Review of 'Attack' which can be found here on the BBC Film Network.

Length: 07:54
Written & directed by Timothy Smith
Genre: Drama
Date: 2005
Rating: ★★★☆☆

Logline: Told backwards, several flashbacks reveal the real story behind a vicious attack.

It's never a good sign when an eight minute short film uses over one minute of that time telling us who is in the film, or who wrote, directed and produced it. Especially not right at the start and especially when you're not likely to recognise nor be impressed by any of the names. Rookie mistake.

This isn't a bad attempt at storytelling though. Nice variation of camera shots, atmospheric lighting, near plausible line delivery with good sound (overused heart beat effect aside) and soundtrack, all combines to create a professional look.

Structure is a weak point as by three minutes in, the audience should have guessed by now that the unconscious man is innocent. The next five minutes are spent telling us how he got into that position and so the element of surprise and mystery is lost where it could have been better used to keep audiences hooked. The plot is a bit blatant. Nazis vs. black youths vs. homosexuals. Pick who you're rooting for. The only thing that would have made this more twee was if the multi-racial gay couple had just stepped out of a charity event for female Muslim cripples. So although the attempt to play with audience expectations probably had good intentions to begin with, it suffers slightly by being predictable and fluffy.

Best Bit: Continual use of the word c**t.

Worst Bit: The obvious plot.

Final thought: Yes, we all know what those two black lads were doing up (ahem) a dark back passage in the middle of the night.

Read a condensed review of this film on Twitter here.

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