13 Aug 2012

The Story Of Keep Calm And Carry On ★★★★★

Review of 'The Story Of Keep Calm And Carry On' which can be found here on YouTube.

Length: 03:00
Written & directed by Temujin Doran
Genre: Documentary
Date: 2012
Rating: ★★★★★

Logline: A look into the Second World War motivational poster.

This is a short but sweet information giving film attempting to explain the resonance of those now fiercely common place posters (and erm, mugs, keyrings, and general tat) that don every gift shop in town.

It's a chirpy little tale but not without depth and certainly doesn't skimp on emotional impact. A story of two halves, the origins of the poster and the book shop in which it was found fifty years later. A pause in the narration signifies the change into modern times and gives time to adjust to the colour, warmth and new subject matter. There is of course, a mixture of found footage and graphics mixed in, which takes us back to yesteryear as well as using the reproduced font to evoke a similar feeling to its original purpose.

In response to the underlying meaning, the pace is steadfast and composed showing a clear structure and efficiency which mimics the war effort ethos. Editing is competently well done with tons of shot variation which keeps the eye busy while the visuals help compliment the filmmakers voice over.

Although this appears to be as much an advert for Barter Books as it is a factual look at the posters history, the information given about the shops itself fits in seamlessly with the poster backstory and could almost be said to be a vital part of the posters history too. There's no attempt to out and out advertise the shop. The shots of cosy tea rooms and toy trains does that for it. The film returns back to its original subject matter and attempts to understand the resonance of the posters simple instructions, leaving a poignant ending to a lovely film.

Best Bit: Subject matter and feel good content.

Worst Bit: No credits at the end (had to think of something)

Final thought: Bet that graphic designer is turning over in his grave right now.

Read a condensed review of this film on Twitter here.

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