20 Sept 2012

Hedgewitch ★★★★★

Review of 'Hedgewitch' which can be found here on YouTube.

Length: 08:08
Written & directed by Liz Banks
Genre: Drama
Date: 2007
Rating: ★★★

Logline: A bullied young girl seeks solace in the woods but finds a new friend instead. 

A sweet tale starring two very capable young actresses, Rosie Crowe plays the poor bullied farm girl and Joya Sastry-Drury as the enigmatic traveller girl who befriends her. Each looks natural on screen and give believable performances. This is a straight forward film with a certain charm to it and the drama takes the audience through lots of various emotions and feels very well rounded. 

Handheld camera work helps give an intimate feel and the edit keeps an engaging pace. Shots have been composed well and the director has a good eye for the camera. One annoying thing is the constant wind blowing into the microphones so a blustery boom and hiss carries over every shot. The mood inducing soundtrack kinds of combats this and at least all the spoken dialogue is clear and not hampered too much by it. 

There's a good clear four act structure (I like to divide act 2 into 2A and 2B) showing a steady and strong character arc for the protagonist. Emotionally we're taken from a pretty big negative which is nicely turned into an optimistic and determined positive. Dialogue is written well, each line serves purpose with no wastage. On the whole, this is an enjoyable and inspiring piece and while writing this review I've decided to up it from a four star rating to a five. Good stuff. 

Best Bit: Young actors performances. 

Worst Bit: Hissing audio.

Final thought: Seen worse coats than that. 

Read a condensed review of this film on Twitter here.

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