22 Sept 2012

PJ, Tiny Planet Explorer ★★★☆☆

Review of 'PJ, Tiny Planet Explorer' which can be found here on the Virgin Media Shorts website.

Length: 02:11
Written & directed by PJ Liguori
Genre: Action/Adventure
Date: 2012
Rating: ★★★☆☆

Logline: A guy decides to go off and explore other planets but doesn't prepare enough. 

Here is another of the 2012 Virgin Media Shorts finalists for you to feast on. Check out their website as the finalists cover a good range of genres and are all of a good standard. 

This is a daft little adventure story about a guy, starring said writer/director, with his head in the clouds who just decides out of the blue to head off into space without rhyme or reason. It's all a bit abstract yet somehow engaging at the same time. Some basic storytelling constructs are missing though and the lack of character motivation, emotion, and arc, lets the plot down somewhat. This is more quirky style over story substance. 

Saying that, the film is shot well, has good picture quality, some nice editing and great looking cinematography. The small planet effects are pretty cool and the dreamy adjoining soundtrack adds to the fantasy feel. Pity the elegant titles (both at the start and end) are distractingly and detrimentally obscured by some effect though. 

This is creative, unusual and inventive both in production and concept and certainly looks good on screen. Unfortunately, the film is missing a satisfactory conclusion for the audience as the main character is just left adrift on a small planet by accident. This does however, open it up to further development as the viewers will invariably want to know what happens to this likeable little character, so there is definite future possibilities for this project. 

Best Bit: Cool small world camera effect.

Worst Bit: Underwhelming ending.

Final thought: Yay, mac user!

Read a condensed review of this film on Twitter here.

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