17 Sept 2012

Rocket ★★★★☆

Review of 'Rocket' which can be found here on Virgin Shorts.

Length: 02:16
Written & directed by Jennifer Sheridan
Genre: Action/Adventure
Date: 2011
Rating: ★★★

Logline: A dog decides to build a rocket ship.

I can't lie, this Virgin Media Shorts 2012 finalist nearly got five stars purely on the basis that it stars a cute wee border terrier. The star, Bowie, does what terriers do best and destroys anything it gets it paws on but in this case, the clever editing lets us believe that he's constructed a spaceship instead. The light-hearted story does have a well intentioned theme to it about recycling and this would make a good film for younger audiences.

Nice camera work has been used in order to give the dog's point of view so there is a real connection between the character and the viewer. The plucky soundtrack is well suited to the movement of the dog as well as the competent edit. A change in tempo signifies mid-point and the crescendo towards the conclusion. There are no real structural problems and this is a good example of great film making using limited space and a shoe-string budget. In a way, I guess is almost embodies recycling itself.

Minus points for the concept that a fully working rocket could be made from household rubbish, an in doors lift-off that would surely have flattened the building or at least given a carpet burn, and the lack of motivation for the wee chap involved. Where's he going? Why? What for? That's me just me being picky and stupidly applying logic to a fantasy plot. More films starring Bowie please!

Best Bit: Border Terrier of course.

Worst Bit: SFX at the end.

Final thought: Smoked dog anyone?

Read a condensed review of this film on Twitter here.

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