16 Oct 2012

The Persistent Resistance Of Vision ★★☆☆☆

Review of 'The Persistent Resistance Of Vision' which can be found here on the BBC Film Network.

Length: 02:37
Animated & directed by James Baker
Genre: Animation
Date: 2009
Rating: ★★☆☆

Logline: An animation which parodies the children's spinning disc toy where two images combine to make a third.

This is one of them films where you have to read the logline or premise first before any of it really makes sense. To me, that means it's either an art house film or the filmmaker hasn't done a good enough job in conveying the films meaning. In this particular case, I think it's the latter. 

While the film itself does pertain to it's stated objective, when looked at in respect to audience (after all, they're the ones for which films are usually made for) the end result is somewhat inadequate. First off, there is limited animation here. In fact it looks more like a series of stills edited together. What's more, is that it feels like the pace of the edits have been created to match the pre-selected tempo of a soundtrack. Usually, it's the other way round where music is composed to the finished image, but in this instance it looks like the filmmaker has done the vice-versa. Whether that was the case or not, who knows, but it certainly comes across that way. 

The abstract plot means that not a lot is happening here either. There's a bird in a cage and a cat, then for some reason a fly comes into play. Think Sylvester and Tweetie then minus any humour, action, dialogue, interesting visuals...and entertainment, and you'll be left with this. Overall, I found this unstimulating and badly contrived. I'm sure this film has it's place somewhere as it does have some artistic value to it. Maybe those experamentalists might like it???

Best Bit: The piano strings moment.  

Worst Bit: Relatively nothing happens. 

Final thought: Playing with an actual spinning image toy would be more entertaining than this. 

Read a condensed review of this film on Twitter here.

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