20 Feb 2013

Future Sound ★★★★☆

Review of 'Future Sound' which can be found here on YouTube

Length: 13:39
Genre: Documentary 
Date: 2010
Rating: ★★★

Logline: Documentary looking at the future of digital music coming put of London.

This film gathers influential musicians and producers from the current London underground music scene such as Scratcha DVA, Roska, and Blackdown, to name a few, and gives us their well informed perspectives on there London music has come from and where it is going. 

It feels more factual and educational than entertaining, but that's not a criticism and is coming from someone who knows little about the subject matter. Perhaps some more interesting visuals would benefit viewers new to this topic, as you can only look at so many shots of a spinning record, twiddling knobs and strobe lighting for so long.   

Several fitting music tracks accompany the talking heads which are mellow, unobtrusive and set a good pace from which the edit continues. The music also does well to further inform the audience regarding the theme too. Audio levels vary but everything is audible and clear enough. Interviewing someone in a stairwell was probably not the best idea in the world tho. Not all of the camerawork is brilliant, it sometimes goes a bit Jamie Oliver, but is forgivable as this also reflects the general feel of the film. Everything is nicely edited together with subtle use of text and good pacing with cuts. 

Structurally, the intro sequence sets up the discussion nicely before the belated titles arrive before going into more depth, covering breaking in stories, social media, piracy etc. A fair bit is covered and the fact this goes a long way to make this feel professional, well thought out and in general allows the people on screen to come across as educated and inspirational. Well produced work. 

Best Bit: Feels really well informed and intellectual. 

Worst Bit: Nothing much interesting to look at but good to listen to. 

Final thought: Leaves you wanting to know more. 

Read a condensed review of this film on Twitter here.

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