16 Apr 2012

Stubborn And Spite ★★★☆☆

Review of 'Stubborn And Spite' which can be found here at Daily Motion.

Length: 03:09
Written & directed by Lou Birks
Genre: Comedy
Date: 2007
Rating: ★★★☆☆

Logline: Two disabled drivers vie with each other over a parking space.

This has a good concept but it kind of lets itself down in several ways. The simple idea, which could have been really effective, looks like it was done in a rush and on the cheap. A basic error has been made by the fact these two guys, Mat Fraser and Stuart Penn, are fighting over a parking space (which isn't even a real disabled sized one) which seems to be surrounded by loads of other empty parking spaces. This renders the whole conflict pretty mute.

No doubt this is thematically heavy. Could have something to do with disabled men having something extra to prove to themselves or it could just be a no-brainer comedy sketch. The text inserts do add an extra layer of subtext which I thought was a nice touch and are used in a way which also complements the pace.

Dialogue is kept to a minimum which works but with only one good line could have done with some more work. Both performances are fine and have a gung-ho energy in them. Most shots are done ok too. The added SFX's help the edit of the action sequence but it could still be a bit quicker for me. I wasn't sure if the subtle audio of the woman (or the pig?) added much though. Watch out for the lame car trundling to a stop scene which has an optimistic screeching breaks sound effect played over to disguise it.

However, do put the flaws aside and enjoy the fun. A disabled kung-fu fight is never a bad thing to watch. It's a decent attempt at an action sequence and is coupled with extra bouts of comedy both in concept, Matrix-style parody and slapstick instances of artificial limbs being yanked off plus good old ball crushing. Not to dismiss the while thing, I think this would be well worth a remake if more consideration goes into plot and production.

Best Bit: Was probably a good idea to start with.

Worst Bit: Plot is majorly flawed by the countless other parking spaces available.

Final thought: What's with the plastic pigeon?

Read a condensed review of this film on Twitter here.

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