23 May 2013

The Boozy Ballad Of Black Eye And Headbutt ★★☆☆☆

Review of 'The Boozy Ballad Of Black Eye And Headbutt' which can be found here on YouTube

Length: 04:26
Written & directed by Greg Elliot.
Genre: Comedy
Date: 2013
Rating: ★★☆☆

Logline: A Weegie hard nut bragging about how tough he is has one pint too many and reveals he's really a fraud. 

This is poor on almost every single level. Bad script, shoddy editing, awful acting as well as bad lighting, careless camera work and has tons of continuity errors throughout. Actually, the sound recording is okay and there's at least been some attempt at style with the black and white flashback sequence and graphics insert. And the adequate music track goes a long way to distract audiences from the lacking production. 

Derek Darvell playing Tam "Black eye" O'neal is appalling, staggers lines, makes eye contact with the camera and is a bit like a Glaswegian Forrest Gump. Paul Donnelly is the only thing that stops this from claiming a one-star rating with a semi-descent naturalistic performance but his lips moving to Darvell's lines shows his probable frustration at his hopeless co-worker. 

The trouble with filming in a public place is the countless looks and glances from ordinary people in the background. Although saying that, even the extras at the other tables can't muster the control to hide their smirks and laughter at the main performances. Acting aside, even if this had Oscar winning actors, the story and dialogue just isn't up to scratch. Though the thick Scottish accents give this good character, the plot lacks a good hood or any strong story beats.  

Best Bit: Sound recording.

Worst Bit: Erm, the rest of it. 

Final thought: Look out for vanishing old ladies. 

Read a condensed review of this film on Twitter here.

1 comment:

  1. Screw the nut! It was alright; it's just a silly sketch. Darvell's character is supposed to be ridiculous and stilted.
