7 Feb 2013

The Runaway ★★★☆☆

Review of 'The Runaway' which can be found here on YouTube

Length: 04:48
Directed by Duncan Finnigan 
Genre: Drama
Date: 2013
Rating: ★★★☆☆

Logline: A man tries to apologise to another guy. 

This is technically a Canadian film but I think the director is Scottish and a former Screen Academy student. The logline is a vague one as this film either has many interpretations or it isn't very good at telling the audience what it is all about. It's only after waiting through the end credits that you find that this piece came out of an acting workshop which lets us in on the possibility that this is a father and son character piece. 

There are some nice shots. The film looks good on screen. Dreary tinted landscapes with a lomo effect makes the good quality camera picture stand out even further. Slow shots and thought out cinematography may be the films saving grace. An evocative soundtrack adds tone and mood but the on location background sounds of traffic and wind noise lacks professionalism and distracts. 

Brendan Solomon plays against Gary Kirkham and although both performances are sincere and emotional, the dialogue makes it feel stagy and melodramatic. There's no satisfactory conclusion here either. This is more of a glimpse into a solitary moment where nothing actually changes and no character has an arc so a resolution to the drama wouldn't have gone amiss. A good foundation but feels like there's a lot missing.   

Best Bit: The way it looks.

Worst Bit: Plot line a little unclear on a first viewing.

Final thought: Looks like it could easily have been shot in the UK, same rotten miserable weather. 

Read a condensed review of this film on Twitter here.

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