21 Feb 2013

Two Ladies And A Hill ★★★★☆

Review of 'Two Ladies And A Hill' which can be found here on Vimeo.

Length: 04:30
Written & directed by Federico Forcolini
Genre: Comedy
Date: 2010
Rating: ★★★

Logline: Two elderly ladies meet up to partake in an unusual sport.  

Here's a quaint and competent film starring the fabulous Doreen Mantle and seasoned actress Christine Ozanne as two buddies engaging in their regular jaunt to SPOILER ALERT ogle partially naked young men. That bit's the twist in a paced out set up which tries to trick the audience into thinking they're merely an old pair of twitchers. 

There's a good on screen rapport between actresses. The two characters verge on being a variation on the odd couple with one being the miserable bossy one and the other the blissfully ignorant one. The dialogue stands out as either being very well written, cleverly performed, or probably a combination of the two. Talking about cheese sandwiches in the middle risks slowing the plot and losing audience interest and is more of a character building scene than anything else. A variation on theme or more of the misleading banter might have fitted in better there. Comedy is subtle instead of in your face laughs but mimics the gentle unobtrusive mood and the twist is a sound conclusion to the story. (Yes am waffling now) 

It's a very professional production with great picture quality, nice range of shots, evocative soundtrack and the sound team have done an excellent job in regards to the external shoot. A slightly shorter version which was cut to fit the Virgin Media Shorts competition can also be found here where it's also been retitled "Coasting". The trimmed down version doesn't feel as though it's lost a great deal and probably has focused the the narrative to a greater extent. 

Best Bit: Dialogue fitting worthy actors. 

Worst Bit: That last line is really on-the-nose and probably unnecessary. 

Final thought: No cycle helmet, hurrah!

Read a condensed review of this film on Twitter here.

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