27 Nov 2012

Tunnel Visions ★★★☆☆

Review of 'Tunnel Visions' which can be found here on YouTube.

Length: 02:20
Written by Catherine Adams. Directed by Djonny Chen
Genre: Comedy
Date: 2011
Rating: ★★★☆☆
Official Website here

Logline: Two young singletons silently wonder about each other while commuting on the train.

This is a good idea which never really reaches its full potential. Two strangers on a train, each thinking the same thing about each other, it has plenty of scope for good comedy but the film doesn't quite deliver. 

This short was a Virgin Media Shorts competition submission and I couldn't help think that it had maybe been edited down to fit their time remit. Structurally, there is a good transition at midpoint where the audience discovers that the girl is equally thinking about the boy. But she lacks the daydream that the boy has and she doesn't share the same amount of voice over time as he does. I'd certainly be interested in seeing a full version, if such a copy exists, as I think a better balanced story would bring more to the plot, as it stands. 

Starring Alexandra Vevers and David Wayman as the two characters who fancy each other, their voice overs are their strong points as neither are particularly stretched during the train shots. The black and white fantasy sequence though is another matter entirely. I'm presuming the terrible performances were director driven in order to create a comic effect, but it just looks hammy, unnecessary and awful. 

This may well be a case of a script that reads well on the page but fails once the dialogue has been spoken out verbally. It sounds a bit novelistic and without realism in parts and somehow the acting on screen doesn't emotionally match up with either characters inner thoughts. Saying that, it's all been shot well and the production quality holds it in good stead. Ultimately, it lacks oomph.

Best Bit: Good production values.

Worst Bit: The black and white sequence. 

Final thought: Interesting sound design. 

Read a condensed review of this film on Twitter here.

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